
Slippery steps or stairs are very dangerous. Generally speaking, a slip and fall on a stairway can result in a painful and damaging tumble down the slippery steps. And if you’re all alone, you may lay there a long time before someone finds you. The National Safety Council Study reveals the shocking fact that nine million disabling slips and falls occur each year, but what they can’t report is the pain and suffering caused by these slips and falls.

But, you don’t have to put up with the risk caused by slippery steps – there’s an easy solution. Safe Tread Clear will transform slippery steps and eliminate the slippery surface forever. Safe Tread Clear is user friendly, it doesn’t give off smelly fumes and it dries quickly.

Here’s how to transform your slippery steps or stairs:

  1. Clean the steps well using a cleaner like Spic ‘N Span or other strong cleaner to remove any dirt, oils, or foreign matter, then rinse well to remove all cleaner residue.
  2. When the steps are dry, mask off a 3/4″ to 1″ border around the sides and back of the step. Do not mask the front of the step.
  3. Lightly sand the stair tread with a coarse sand paper or sanding sponge to rough up the surface. Don’t worry if the sand paper or the sanding sponge causes the surface to lose its glossy look. That’s good. If the steps are varnished wood, sand in the direction of the grain. Sand up to but not over the masking tape.
  4. Remove any sanding residue with a wet cloth and allow the surface to dry completely.
  5. Apply a light coat of Safe Tread Clear to the horizontal step surface and the front edge of the step with our special textured 4” roller. An evenly applied light layer is sufficient.
  6. When the first coat is dry, inspect to see if you’d like another coat. Heavily traveled stairways may benefit from a second coat. Apply the second coat the same way as the first coat was applied. Allow the coating to dry completely (around 4 hours before light foot traffic)
  7. Remove the masking tape when you’ve completed the job. It may be necessary to lightly cut along the edge of the masking tape if the coating overlays the tape in order to remove the tape cleanly.

When you’re done, you will no longer have slippery steps and you’ll be much safer.

Safe Tread Anti Slip Coating - Clear "Coarse Grit" 5 Gallon

You can click here to find Safe Tread Clear and you can call us Monday through Thursday from 7:30am to 3:30pm with any questions you may have at 954-565-6001. We’ll help you get rid of slippery steps.